‘I Wear It Every Single Day.’ Why 20
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‘I Wear It Every Single Day.’ Why 20

Dec 03, 2023


June 14, 2023 2:45 pm ET


(3 min)

IT TOOK Kirstie-Anne Woodman a month and a half to master the claw clip. The 24-year-old London strategic communications consultant’s thick braids go past her “bum” and her hair’s length and texture didn’t lend themselves to the hairstyles she was seeing on social media. “I tried to do [my hair] the way women with [finer hair] hair do it—just kind of twist and then flip up—and it wasn’t working,” said Woodman, who is Black. While experimenting with a metal clip from Asos, she finally triumphed. “I take my hair and split it in two like I’m doing pigtails,” she said. Next, “I twist the two strands together, flip it up and start wrapping it like a bun. Then the claw clip will go straight in the middle and the ends will go up and over the back.”

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