10 Hair accessories that are damaging your hair and scalp
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10 Hair accessories that are damaging your hair and scalp

Jun 03, 2023

Hair not in tip-top condition? These accessories might be the cause.

We all love our hair, don’t we? It’s what gives us character. You might be the type of person who spends hours upon hours each week taking good care of your precious tresses with all the right conditioners and serums, so why spoil all your hard work with the wrong accessories? Indeed, there are many things we should banish from our hair routine. Some may even surprise you.

Taking care of your hair is not a simple task, of course, and using accessories will make things just a little bit easier. However, habits such as using a rough towel to rub at your hair and scalp as soon as you get out of the shower is a bad way to start with proper haircare. Reduce the damage done! Discover 10 accessories you need to banish from your life if you want to have beautiful hair!

Angela Goh & Kahina Boudjidj

Photos: Getty Images

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caught in between the gaps in the material and you may suffer from hair lossscalp accumulate grease fasterpromote the appearance of split-endstugging and clamping on your strandsirritate your scalp and cause unwanted staticleaving noticeable bald spots and gapaggravate hair lossdamage the roots of your hairEven the fluffiest towel can damage your hair if you use enough pressure!tresses getting caught under a heavy weight